Help/FAQs:Opt-Out Policy
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Opt-Out Statement Policy

It is a condition of use of the WEL services that an Opt-Out statement such as "If you do not wish to receive future fax communications from the sender of this fax document please contact the sender by the fax, phone or email address provided in this documentation" appears clearly within the first page of your broadcast document.

As a Registered User of the WEL service you must give the recipients of any broadcast the ability to Opt-Out from receiving further communications from your organization. It is a further condition that if a recipient asks to be removed from a list selected by the Registered User, that the Registered User must inform WEL so that such action can be taken to block their contact information.

A list of recipients that have requested Opt-Out for future broadcasts will be maintained and washed against Registered Users' future list selections to ensure recipients do not receive broadcast messages from those Registered Users.