One of the most important things that a brand can do, is engage with their customers, potential customers, and employees. By asking questions and listening, you can create operational systems, and organisational strategies to fulfil stakeholder needs. There are a range of ways that organisations can engage with people, and using SMS is by far one of the best methods. We’ve created an easy to use SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement system, that doesn’t rely on clicking potential dangerous links.
At the heart of differentiating your brand, is the art of building trust and delivering a joyful customer experience. Businesses need to understand customers ever changing needs, including delivering personalisation, and instant responses. Increasingly, consumers expect brands to know them. Asking the right questions, at the right time can be the difference between retaining a customer, or losing them. In democracy, surveys are powerful tools to understand the needs of the voting constituents. Or simply as a business leader, understanding frontline and operational management problems, can demonstrate empathy and provide input into strategic organisational improvements.
Why SMS?
At WEL, we have focused on the ability to send messages via multiple channels, as everyone has a preference. Some like voice, some prefer email, some SMS. You get the idea. In our experience, most surveys are sent via Email or SMS, asking to click a link. However we see more and more guidance not to click links in emails and SMS, often used for phishing and smishing fraud attacks.
Many demographics now prefer to simply send and receive SMS messages. There are lots of statistics to back this up, or trust me… I have two daughters! Setting up a series of questions and automated SMS responses within a secure web interface is easy with WEL.
How it works
Step one, contact us for a new account, and let us add a private virtual SMS number to the account. Log in and navigate to Send SMS Survey.
![SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement - SMS survey navigation](
Then add a survey, or edit an existing survey.
![SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement - add survey](
Simply start by adding content to each field. Add questions as desired, and rearrange with a simple drag to sort interface. Don’t forget to personalise your first message, which should be an invitation to the survey. Create your Opt-out text, survey window and report email.
![SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement - SMS survey system setup](
After saving the survey, you will see the SMS survey list of all saved surveys. These can then be tested, edited and refined.
![SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement - SMS survey list](
To send a saved survey, simply click the send survey icon, and choose a list to send it to. Select any required lists, and then select “Send/Schedule Job”.
After the survey has been sent, you can view or download the report, which include the SMS responses. Here is an example.
![SMS Survey for Customer Engagement report](
It doesn’t need to end there. By sending an SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement, you can continue the conversation! Simply click the job report, to access a conversation with each recipient in an intuitive mobile phone style window.
![SMS Conversations - SMS Surveys for Customer Engagement in WEL interface](
SMS Surveys for all types of organisations, are effective as a tool to gain insight, drive loyalty, and create knowledge value. Governments, and businesses across all sectors need to know how their staff and consumers feel, and what they want action on. Gaining insight into these aspects allows for understanding and differentiation, ultimately driving a happy customer base. Please reach out so that we can help you with an effective SMS survey campaign.