
Best practices for sending PINs and OTPs through email and SMS


In today’s digital age, the secure and efficient delivery of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and One-Time Passwords (OTPs) is critical for protecting customers personal data and ensuring transactions are secure. Multi-channel gateways, such as SMS and email, are commonly used for this purpose. To ensure the highest levels of security and reliability certain best practices should be followed. In this blog we will look at the key best practices for sending PINs and OTPs via SMS and email.

End-to-End Encryption
Security is the cornerstone of transmitting PINs and OTPs. Implementing end-to-end encryption ensures that these sensitive codes are protected from the moment they’re generated until they reach the intended recipient. For SMS you should utilise secure gateways that comply with the GSMA’s (Global System for Mobile Communications Association) security recommendations. For emails, TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the most common type of encryption. You could use additional layers of security such as S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) or PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) to increase the security of your companies’ emails. Secure cloud messaging services such as Welcorp include encryption in their messaging services for your and your client’s peace of mind.

Limit Validation Time
To mitigate risks PINs and OTPs should be time-sensitive and have limited uses. Set an expiry period for the codes, commonly between five and ten minutes, to minimise the window of opportunity for an unintended recipient to potentially misuse it. Additionally, you should ensure that each PIN or OTP is only valid for a single use, this will reduce the risk of an unauthorised use.

Channel Specific Best Practices
Both SMS and Email have unique security requirements and considerations. Let’s look at the best practices for each.

For SMS you should use alphanumeric codes to increase complexity and security. Avoid including any sensitive information in the message, such as names or dates, other than the code itself. You should always choose a reputable and secure SMS gateway provider such as Welcorp. Welcorp complies with all industry standards and regulations, they also host all servers within Australia to increase security.

Implement TLS to encrypt your emails and consider additional encryption such as S/MINE or PGP for extra security. Sending a separate verification link that the user must click to access their PIN or OTP also adds an additional layer of security. All email servers and clients should be updated regularly to ensure ongoing security. Using a cloud messaging service such as Welcorp eliminates the need for your company to keep servers safe, Welcorp will handle the security for you.

Follow Regulatory Requirements
Compliance with all relevant Australian laws and industry standards is crucial for securing data and building customer trust. You should ensure your company is adhering to the Privacy Act 1988 which governs the handling of personal information in Australia. A new Privacy Act Report was completed in February 2023 and the Australian Government released their response in September 2023. New regulations are on the horizon and your company will need to keep up to date with any changes that are implemented.

The secure delivery of PINs and OTPs via SMS and email requires a considered approach to balance security and efficiency. By following these best practices your company can ensure that sensitive codes are sent securely to minimise the risk of interception or misuse. Staying up to date with the latest security trends and regulatory requirements will further enhance the reliability of your services. Your company doesn’t have to do it alone though, by utilising a secure cloud messaging service such as Welcorp, many of the headaches of handling PINs or OTPs are taken care of for you. Contact Welcorp today to find out how they can help your business with sending your PINs and OTPs.

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