
Multi channel strategy.


Do you remember the old letter box drops from the supermarkets? Ten to twelve pages of items on sale. They always have the same presentation, and they still come every week. Most of the time, they just go straight to recycling. And the sales conversion rate is never spectacular. A multi channel strategy can improve engagement rates and therefore marketing success.

The old way

The effect these brochures have on many recipients was that people just gaze over them – there is no targeting to the people who want to buy, or when they want to buy. Their senses become dulled to the message, because it always keeps coming in exactly the same way, week after week. Now grocery stores have lifted their game. They send emails with personalised offerings based on your usual buying preferences. You no longer have to search through a booklet to see if anything is on sale that you want or need. But is this also becoming boring?

Most people don’t respond to the “call to action” from an advertisement the first time. It usually takes several times to get their attention. In fact, in USA it’s 8 times. In Australia, the average is 11 times.

Change it up

Well, there is a way to get you message across quicker than trying over and over the same way. One way is to mix the channels that you use to get someone’s attention. Don’t always use the same way to do it. Use Facebook ads, email, SMS, and try combining it with Voice calls. The more you use different modes of communication, the more likely you are at getting someone’s attention, and engaging with them.

Emails are great at presenting a lot of information in a nice format. Text messages are great as they are usually read quickly. Voice messages provide a greater level of personalisation, and convey a sense of urgency. It’s ultimately about a smooth and relevant customer experience, whether it be B2C or B2B.

Are you trying to collect money from past due debts? Entice customers with a new product offering? Remind customers that it’s time for a car service? The timing of your message is also critical. No point sending an SMS from a grocery store one day after your weekly shopping, though send it one hour before you normally shop – that’s powerful.

Register for a free account today! We’ll help you use multi-mode messaging to “make it happen”. We guarantee or service, and always allow free trials so that you can measure the ROI on your multi channel strategy before you buy.

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